Next Up: New York!

I go to Paris, I go to London, I go to Rome, and I always say, ‘There’s no place like New York.’   Robert De Niro

I’ve been feeling a touch of cabin fever in Montana (it doesn’t help that I work in an office where the average co-worker goes on at least one out-of-country adventure a year), ironic due to the fact that Montana has more space than I can imagine. A few months ago, after much consideration, multiple guidebooks, and small amounts of arm twisting, Forrest and I booked tickets to New York City.

My exploration of the United States has so far been limited to those west of Tennessee, and I am greatly looking forward to broadening my horizons. I intend to get lost, get overwhelmed, get stressed, and get postcards. I intend to visit the sights… Forrest intends to visit a camera store. As it doesn’t happen very often that the man is the one who wants to go shopping, I also intend to tease him.

It’s hard to imagine myself running around a city the size of New York. Coming from a city where the tallest caps out at 11 floors, standing in the shadow of a building with 104 stories is going to be a bit unnerving and unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

Watch for us on Humans of New York. I’m sure we’ll be standing on the street, gazing in awe at absolutely everything.


Good luck, self. You’ll need it.

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